Threat others like you would like to be treated and you might get a treat!

Threat others like you would like to be treated and you might get a treat!
Diane & I have always believed treat people the way you would like to be treated. Hence this is how the story starts out. I get a commission Diane goes to the bank and deposits it. Then when the checks are bigger I go along and participate in the depositing. My job consists of smiling, cracking jokes and hoping to get under $100 for my “ allowance” since Diane handles the bills, so no big deal she knows how many days waiting etc. for the larger checks. We always go to the same bank and it is like going to a small town where the tellers know your name.
When Holidays come around we always make sure everyone gets a small gift, whether that is a gift card to the cool hip and trendy “ice yoghurt place” or the “hip cool and trendy coffee shop”. The staff has fun with us, we are not about drama. It is all about being nice. Over the years we found out that “managers” can and have “over ridden” the check no matter how large and it does not to be held, how nice that is.
When Diane pays the Mortgage it is not about drama here we are, it becomes a standing joke “I am here to pay the Landlord” everyone has fun and no drama.
So needless to say the Banking experience becomes “fun” for all on both sides of the counter.
So needless to say Diane called me the other day that “the kids from the bank” called her and were wondering when she was coming by since they have not seen her since before the holidays? Long story short she went by and they had a huge surprise for her… There was a four pound surprise. Look at these pictures. I just had a slice it is delicious.
Neiman Marcus sold this cake, as most of you know it probably cost an arm and a leg. Let me tell you something it tastes wonderful. I personally had close to three quarters of a pound of this most delicious cake by myself. So the moral of my post or story is be nice to people and you will never know if and when they will treat you to a special surprise. Clearly this was awesome. Happy belated Holidays. Most of all thank you to the bank tellers and staff you know who you are.
Now keep in mind neither one of us can eat four pound of this delicious cake, so Diane is taking half of it to her place work so her coworkers could taste it. So here is a gift that will make many more people have. I love when the outcome is like this. All good and super positive.
If you are considering buying or selling a home, a luxury home, luxury investment real estate, luxury vacation homes, or luxury beach properties in Southern California, Los Angeles, Century City, Westwood, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Marina Del Rey, Venice or Malibu, feel free to contact me at 310.486.1002 or or visit one of my websites at I am a pet friendly realtor and I contribute a portion of my commissions to local animal rescue organizations.