FB & GOOGLE BUTTON FIXED Pinterest NO NOT YET. What happened to the Feature button??
OK I must admit no one has elected me as the Union Spokes Person for the Community it just fell on me. I am not afraid to speak my mind and generally what I have to say is spot on. Once in a while I miss it but there are enough of my fans and readers who help me out.
Thanks to my last private blog post I have noticed that AR Management eventhough they did not take the courtesy to let us know fixed the FB & Google problem with the share button….
NOW let us keep in mind the Pinterest Button was too much to fix I guess??? We are still waiting for that to get fixed. Now on a side note”
WHAT HAPPENED TO THE ability to FEATURE Fellow Active Rain Blogs?? Could some one share? I tried to feature one of the blogs I read and guess what I could not. Please let me know what happened to this time tested time proven button?