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Did you hear that the National Bureau of Economic Research declared that the Recession is over?

Posted on Sep 25, 2010 by in Active Rain | 0 comments

Did you hear that the National Bureau of Economic Research declared that the Recession is over?  I was so amazed when I heard this I had to do some research. Where these people are located, who came up with this statement?  I found out they are headquartered in Cambridge Massachusetts. Now do not start rolling your eyes, I know, I used to live in Boston, MA.

I do not know about you, I am confident based on the people that I talk to the Recession is not over yet. My little unofficial survey might not be considered scientific, by asking the Grocery Store Clerks, security officers in the complex I live in, and nevertheless, their response is pretty clear to me.  A strong hearty belly laughing to the contrary, tells me otherwise then what this bureau has declared.

Now mind you I am a very positive and upbeat Realtor, nevertheless I am skeptical of the timing of this announcement. Then if I had any doubt, Jay Leno from the Tonight Show had similar reaction to mine. Based on the audience’s laughter, I am confident I was right and this National Bureau of Economic Research should consider another profession than what they are doing.

If you look at the increase in sales of Condominiums in Marina Del Rey, Luxury Condominiums in Century City and in Playa Vista CA, you will notice, that there has been a steady increase in sales compared to 2009 numbers month over month. In spite of these positive increases I think it is a farfetched assumption or a huge leap to draw such a conclusion.

I would be curios, what your thoughts are about this subject in your less then scientific observations.

 If you are a consumer  who is considering buying  or selling  a home, investment real estate, vacation homes, or beach properties in Southern California, Los Angeles, Century City, Westwood, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Culver City, Marina Del Rey, Venice or Malibu. Feel Free to give me a call at 310.486.1002 (USA) or email me at  or visit one of my websites at  Your Pet Friendly Realtor. I contribute a portion of my commission to Local Animal Rescue Organizations.



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