What song best describes my Real Estate Business of 2013? What a great question
What song best describes my Real Estate Business of 2013? What a great question!!
This post was inspired by Kathleen one of my Active Rain friends. She placed a challenge for us to come up with and describe our Real Estate Business in the form of a Song for 2013. What song would best describe my business?
First in all fairness to disclosure I am not one who listens to many songs with words. In our relationship Diane is the one who could recite every word of a song as well as name a song on the first or second note as to what the title and who performed it. I am more of the Classical Music and Jazz Music listener we meet at Rock & Roll but do not know and never memorized the words.
Now getting back to Kathleen’s question, had she asked during the down turn of the Real Estate Market and Economic Meltdown of a few years ago? The song would have been totally different one for my choosing.
This year was a fantastic year compared to previous years and as the year is finishing up I am in the process of trying to close one more transaction in the next day or two. As well as there are already large projects in the works for next year. So it was virtually a no brainer for me to select this song.
The song is of course is the Theme Song of Rocky the movie: “Gonna Fly Now”!!!
As far as the beginning of the year I was working extremely hard by doing many small and medium transactions to the point that by the second Quarter I was named by my company in a very elite list” “The Top One Hundred Agents by volume” . If you listen to the words of the song you will know that “…I was trying hard…” and by the six month mark my business was “…getting strong…” and as the year is coming to a close and the way next year is looking it is clear “…Gonna Fly, Fly…” stronger next year!
If you are considering buying or selling a luxury home, an ultra luxury home, luxury investment real estate, luxury vacation homes, or luxury beach properties in Southern California, Los Angeles, Century City, Westwood, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Marina Del Rey, Venice or Malibu, feel free to contact me at 310.486.1002 or homes@endrebarath.com or visit one of my websites at https://www.endrebarath.com. I am a pet friendly realtor and I contribute a portion of my commissions to local animal rescue organizations. –