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Welcome to Palmdale: The Real Estate Recovery is in full bloom!

Posted on Nov 18, 2013 by in Active Rain | 0 comments

Welcome to Palmdale:  The Real Estate Recovery is in full bloom!

Greater Los Angeles Real Estate, Endre Barath

 Not too long ago the Real Estate Crash coupled with the Economic Downturn was recognized by most as being the toughest hit in three areas: 1. Florida, 2. Arizona/Nevada 3. Lancaster/Palmdale, CA. These three areas were considered as the Epicenter of the Real Estate Crash.


Now days we see so many headlines and potential investors, potential sellers as well as potential buyers whoare confused as to what to believe. The majority of the Realtors try diligently in all areas to provide the investors, sellers and buyers with actual facts such as Market Reports, Market Trends and Market Snapshots. Never the less there are some skeptics who are moved more by the headlines than the facts.


There is an old saying: a picture is worth a thousand words.  Now with that said I am enclosing a couple of pictures for the skeptics, since if I wrote a two  to three thousand word blog post about the Real Estate  Recovery no one would read it nor believe it, but I am confident everyone will look at these pictures.


This afternoon Diane and I had to go to Palmdale to see of one of her favorite dogs, who is being fostered in Palmdale, generally we used to make this trip once a month, time permitting. Lately that has not been the case. It has been a while since we were in Palmdale, needless to say I was thrilled to see these pictures.


It was not too long ago when for sale signs covered the landscape and homes were just about given away. There were many REO’s, Short Sales and no buyers, that it felt like there were more For Sale Signs than Joshua Trees in Palmdale. There were many vacant lots for sale too in those days I used to say to Diane,”… no one will buy the vacant lots when there are so many homes for sale. Since there is no incentive to build when there are so many homes for sale…”

greater los angeles real estate recovery,endre barath


As you can imagine I hardly saw a For Sale Sign on this trip. I was thrilled to see that  where there used to be  a vacant lot for sale as  we used to drive by on our way back to Los Angeles (near the entrance to the Freeway), now there were two homes being built.

los angeles real estate, endre barath


This to me was validation of what I have been saying that the Real Estate Market is back, maybe not  be back in full force, never the less there is life in it. Clearly I am right when investors are building in Palmdale again.


If you have any questions about a particular area you are considering buying a home in, please reach out to me directly!


If you are considering buying or selling a luxury home, or an ultra luxury home, or luxury investment real estate, or luxury vacation homes, or luxury beach properties in Southern California, Los Angeles, Century City, Westwood, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Marina Del Rey, Venice or Malibu. Feel Free to give me a call at 310.486.1002 or email me at or visit one of my websites at        I am a Pet Friendly Realtor and I contribute a portion of my commissions to local animal rescue organizations.   


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