Seven things you did not want to know about me, but learned anyway
Well here we are, I was tagged for a MeMe by “Seven things you did not know about me or were afraid to ask”.
Now be very carefull most of the time knowledge is power, keep in mind,that this does not apply in this case.:)))
•1. I was born in Gyoer, Hungary, where the Danube River intersects with the Raba River.(If that is not easy to find, then look at the city between Vienna and Budapest on the map and you will find it).
•2. lived in Austria for about three almost four years
•3. also lived in Germany for about five years
•4. I am a cook book as well as 1st edition mystery novels collector.
•5. I was an Airborne Ranger Infantry Officer in the US Army
•6. I love Classical and Jazz Music,( in spite of that have been to many Rolling Stone Concerts as well).
•7. I have attended three different Universities and it took five years to finally graduate with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in German.
Now that I totally put you asleep with this vast knowledge. Be very carefull what you do with this knowledge. Do not expect super human powers with it:))
Now that was easy. Here comes the hard part finding other Victims/Candidates
Please forgive me for wanting to know more about you.
As Craig said: Feel free to post your own “7 things” MeMe either in the comments section of this post or on your own blog. The world wants to know!
Here are the rules;
1.Create a blog post with a link to the person who tagged you.
2.List these rules in your post
3.Share seven facts about yourself in the post
4.Identify seven of your friends or contacts whom you will tag to be part of this (at the end of the post, list their names and the links to their sites).
5.Let the friends whom you tagged, know that they’ve been tagged