Pink’s Hot Dogs a Hollywood Destination Place!
Pink’s Hot Dogs a Hollywood Destination Place!
Pink’s Hot Dogs a Hollywood Destination Place! Pink’s is not just a hot dog shack. This is a Los Angeles Landmark. If it is not a historic landmark it should be. This non typical hot dog place has been featured on the News, and many Cooking Shows as well as movies.
At this hot dog place you can run into the ‘who is who’ of Hollywood. From A-list stars to supporting staff of the Hollywood elite. The beauty of it is, you will even have time to chat. The lines are always long, does not matter if you go early in the morning or late at night.
Long gone are the days of Paul and Betty Pink selling 10c hot dogs from a cart (1939). Now there are over 24 different varieties of hotdogs available, named after the stars who ordered them. This change came around 1946 when Paul Pink traded in his hot dog wagon for a small building. The price has changed as well now you are going to spend from $2.80 to $3.50 depending what you order…
Still it is a good deal. It has a free parking lot with an attendant. Now if you want to hobnob with the Hollywood A-list make sure you look for the Bentley’s and Rolls Royce in the parking lot. Odds are the Driver will be in the line not the Celebrity.
Even though it might take you a while to stand in line, once your order is taken you will have your meal in 30 seconds that you can be sure of. So if you want to experience a good meal and visit a Hollywood landmark, go to Pink’s at the corner of Melrose Ave and La Brea Ave they are open from 9:30am to 2:00am Sun-Thursday and Fri & Sat from 9:30am to 3:00am. Bring Cash; they do not take credit cards. The actual address is 709 North La Brea Ave
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