How could we conduct business without the Internet in today’s Global Society?
How could we conduct business without the Internet in today’s Global Society? I was contemplating this question after I lost my Blackberry this past Friday morning in Hungary.
I had a lot on my mind and the belt holster with said Smartphone fell off my belt without me noticing it. (In all fairness I have an excuse: Living in Southern California, I have been spoiled by wearing a shirt and Dockers, or Blue Jeans for years and was not used to a bulky sweater, Dow-winter coat and Isotoner gloves)
After I retraced the two places where it could have fallen, I had to concede that it was gone. (Friends and acquaintances wanted to take me out to lunch) I had to excuse myself since it was critical for me to rush to my father’s house and call Diane about my misfortune. After the 5am slightly panicked call to her…. she immediately started the ball rolling. Verizon and the insurance carrier jumped right on it as well. The SIM card deactivation and whatever internal actions they had to do start the process of preventing unauthorized use and provide me with a replacement phone began.
The Short story is: there is a new equivalent version of my old BB World Edition 8830 on its way to Hungary. That is the good news. The bad news is I am without the address book that I have been accumulating over the past 10 years.
Now to answer my original question: How could we conduct business without the internet? I have been so spoiled for the past few years. I have been texting my clients, my friends and Diane to mention a few. Alternatively I have been e-mailing, clients, prospects and potential buyers and sellers. The BB was a great bridge to the time when I would get to an internet Wi-Fi hotspot and respond in detail to the requests. As I am negotiating an offer and am in the process of writing an offer and at the same time trying to close an Escrow 6000 plus miles away from sunny California, the answer is clear to me. We cannot function without the Internet as well as the equipment which accommodates this communication vehicle.
If you are a consumer who is considering buying or selling a home, investment real estate, vacation homes, or beach properties in Southern California, Los Angeles, Century City, Westwood, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Culver City, Marina Del Rey, Venice or Malibu. Feel Free to give me a call at 310.486.1002 (USA) or email me at or visit one of my websites at Your Pet Friendly Realtor. I contribute a portion of my commission to Local Animal Rescue Organizations.