Have you heard of : Shelter to Soldier? If you have not do not feel bad, neither have I, until today!

Have you heard of: Shelter to Soldier? If you have not do not feel bad, neither have I, until today!
We had our Berkshire Hathaway Beverly Hills office meeting and there were surprise guests: Graham Bloem, Vic Martin & Kira! Evidently our Charity Foundation has been supporting this fantastic organization and we had no idea.
Shelter to Soldier: is a California 501c3 nonprofit that rescues and trains shelter dogs to become service dogs for Veterans.
The brain child of this great cause i.e.: the Founder and Head Trainer for Shelter to Soldier is Graham Bloem. I was so impressed with this concept not only will I be a contributor, but I had to share with everyone.
As most of you realize millions of dogs are euthanized in our country every year and every day and virtually every minute. I cannot tell you how sad this is and the sad part is people still “buy” dogs as pets. This of course is a huge problem.
Now let me switch gears, twenty three veterans committing suicide every day! The Soldiers who volunteered to protect our freedom and fought on many fronts, Afghanistan and Iraq to name a few in the recent past.
We as a society, government and citizens do not take care of our Veterans, our Animals and our Elderly. This is truly a National Tragedy.
Not trying to be on my Soap Box Preaching, just stating facts. Now here comes Graham Bloem. He is a professional Dog Trainer and he and his wife decide they need to do something about this travesty.
He decided to pull from the shelter, dogs that otherwise would be put down! Then he trains them to become service dogs BTW this is an 18 month process. To help giving Psychiatric Support for combat veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Something our government and politicians should do. Needless to say he does not wait for Government Grants or Support just goes out and does it on his own. Now there is an organization with highly qualified volunteer dog trainers and financial support is starting to come in as the word is getting out.
I was honored to listen to Vic Martin a Veteran tell his story how Kira and Graham saved him from a potential Suicide and how his wife was happy to have her husband back…..
Please click on these links and support this great Cause!!! What a brilliant concept, saving dogs lives and at the same time saving Veterans’ lives as well
As a Veteran, Airborne Ranger, Infantry Captain and a Pet friendly Realtor my eyes were barely staying dry listening to their story.
If you are considering buying or selling a home, a luxury home, luxury investment real estate, luxury vacation homes, or luxury beach properties in Southern California, Los Angeles, Century City, Westwood, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Marina Del Rey, Venice or Malibu, feel free to contact me at 310.486.1002(m) or homes@endrebarath.com or visit one of my websites at https://www.endrebarath.com. I am a pet friendly realtor and I contribute a portion of my commission to local animal rescue organizations.
Thank you so much for spreading the mission of Shelter to Soldier. We so enjoyed our visit and the wonderful people we had an opportunity to meet! Kira says Hi! 🙂
Vic Martin, U.S. Navy (Ret.)