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General Douglas MacArthur & Dunkin Donuts what do they have in common?

Posted on Jan 20, 2013 by in Active Rain | 0 comments

General Douglas MacArthur and Dunkin Donuts what do they have in common?

Before I get into it, let me digress, having live a large portion of my life on the East Coast of the United States, particularly in New York, Connecticut and Massachusetts. I have grown up with Dunkin Donuts. I can give you the slogans which would age me. I know most of you remember the latest:’ America Runs on Dunkin’ well I remember “Only at Dunkin’ Donuts”J.

Dunkin Donuts at the Back Bay Train Station in Boston,MA Endre Barath

 A bit of history: In 1949 Bill Rosenberg opened his first Dunkin’ Donuts Shoppe in Quincy, MA.  Sixty some years later DD was in about 30+ Countries serving their Signature Donuts & Coffee. Fast forward to the late 1990’s Dunkin’ Donuts pulled out of the Southern California Market. You might ask WHY? The answer is clear:  Aggressive, hip, cool and trendy Chain from Washington State made Dunkin Donuts too Middle Class, too ordinary, too American. If you wanted to be hip and cool and Trendy, DD coffee was not to cup to have in your hand, instead you needed to have the Green Cup  and not coffee rather you needed to have a Latte’ !

We moved to the Greater Los Angeles area in the late 1990’s as we moved in, sadly DD moved out. There was a void, every time Diane went back to Boston, MA she also came back with a few pounds of DD Coffee Beans. Over the past ten years we noticed that Grocery Chain Stores started to sell DD Coffee Beans, we were thrilled. It was always a special treat to buy a pound here and there. Then I noticed it was becoming more and more prevalent.

relocation specialist Endre Barath,Jr. Realtor in Los Angeles

Well, flash back to March 1942 General Douglas MacArthur promised the Philippine Nation “ I shall Return”  and two and a half years later the victorious General  returned as promised. There is an eerie parallel. There was a huge shift in the economy as well as in the attitude of the American Public even here in Southern California. Sadly this took 17 plus years to achieve. Never the less Dunkin Donuts is returning to the Greater Los Angeles area!


Well now if you want to be hip, cool and trendy you need be drinking Dunkin Donuts Coffee or their LatteJ


If you are a consumer who is considering buying or selling a home, investment real estate, vacation homes, or beach properties in Southern California, Los Angeles, Century City, Westwood, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Culver City, Marina Del Rey, Venice or Malibu. Feel Free to give me a call at 310.486.1002 or emails me at or visit one of my websites at Your Pet Friendly Realtor. I contribute a portion of my commission to Local Animal Rescue Organizations.






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