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For a Smooth Relocation, Plan, Organize and Anticipate!

Posted on Sep 20, 2008 by in Active Rain | 0 comments

For someone who has moved around the world between Europe and within the continental US more then twenty times, I can safely say I am an expert at Relocating. My last move was a short distance from Century City, (Los Angeles) CA to Marina Del Rey, CA. Nevertheless I swore I will only move one possibly twice more in my life.


Needless to say I understand what it means to make drastic changes, to leave your family and friends and neighbors are sometimes emotionally painful. Then with that comes the anxiety to pack, what to get rid of and what to keep. (I am a pack-rat so I know the anxiety).  Keep in mind the better organized, the better you plan ahead, the easier the Relocation will be. Also plan on things going wrong and the more you anticipate what could go wrong the more you plan for those possibilities the smoother the relocation will be.


I suggest a Plan of Action which should be written down i.e.: a Checklist. This can be done in advance before you get close to the Big Day.  ( Moving – Day ). Things that you have to do to close the existing place down, from shutting down TV Service, Utilities, notifying the Post Office of the Change of Address the check list will be long and comprehensive. Then take that same Checklist and create a Start Up-List for the New Place that list will be easier. Before the Movers arrive everything should be arranged at both places.


The move across town is a lot simpler psychologically then across the country. Keep in mind it is just as challenging from a logistics standpoint, so do not be lulled in that you do not need to plan as extensively.


If you have Children and or Pets that makes it even more challenging. How to keep them from interfering with the move calls for its own plan of action. Then you have to plan for sustenance for the last few days at the old place and for the first few days at the new place. Take out will get old relatively quickly keep that in mind.


I could write a book and bore you to tears, instead I just want you thinking about all these mundane part of a’ Move’. Then you will be exited how smooth it went and can enjoy your new environment and work on making new friends and exploring your new neighborhood.


If you are a consumer living inside or outside of California and are considering buying or selling investment real estate, vacation homes, or beach properties in Southern California, Beverly Hills, Marina Del Rey, Venice or Malibu, feel free to give me a call at  310.486.1002(USA) or email me at or visit one of my websites


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