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Endre Barath Home Alone! Well not quite home alone

Posted on May 8, 2011 by in Active Rain | 0 comments

Endre Barath Home Alone!

Dodgers vs. Angeles Pre-season

As some of you know Diane visited her parents & her friends in Boston, MA. So there were discussions going on what will I do in her absence? Will I cook? Will I go out at night? Well to those of you who know me, but were not sure what I did. I will let you peak at the pictures.

home alone with the Angels and the Dodgers

 Since she has stopped eating meat (not counting chicken & Shell fish) I went to one of the Best Rib places in Los Angeles if not the best and did “take out”. Since that is all you can do at this place, there are no tables, there are no counters. Have you guessed it? Well I will post about it later. I will give you a hint the place is not in Beverly Hills. For now just enjoy the pictures. Anyway I baked the potatoes:))

Douggy & Endre watching pre-season baseball

The game was pre-season Freeway Series, Dodgers vs. Angels. Since I am RedSox fan and a Baseball fan, it was still better than no game at all. As you can see Douggy enjoyed the game too:))

Endre watching Dodgers & Angels

If you are a consumer  who is considering buying  or selling  a home, investment real estate, vacation homes, or beach properties in Southern California, Los Angeles, Century City, Westwood, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Culver City, Marina Del Rey, Venice or Malibu. Feel Free to give me a call at 310.486.1002 (USA) or email me at or visit one of my websites at  Your Pet Friendly Realtor. I contribute a portion of my commission to Local Animal Rescue Organizations.

Endre Barath's AR Blog 

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